Psychological Violence

Corporate America says that your feelings do not matter, and they make it seem like you are weak if you show your feelings. But let me tell you something, while money is important, when we all die, we’re not taking any of our money, or our houses, cars, our anything else that we have acquired in this physical life.

We will remember our lives by what we did and who we loved.

We will be remembered on how we made others feel.

So keep that in mind the next time someone tells you that it’s just a job.  It’s more than a job, it’s your life.

You deserve to be respected, valued, and loved.  It doesn’t matter if other people don’t feel the same.  If someone is being a bully, it needs to be addressed, and they need to understand that it’s not okay.  Because the reality is that deep inside of them, they are just hurting, and hurt people will hurt other people.

It doesn’t make it right for bullies to go around creating psychological damage to innocent, hard-working people who are just trying to live an ethical life and pay their taxes.

Because bullies don’t stop in middle school or high school, they continue to wonder on the face of the Earth (like leeches, soaking the life out of you).  Bullies create a group and feed off each other because they are too weak to attack the individual one on one.

“Workplace bullying is not a one-time incident, but a pattern of repeated behavior.” –

According to the most common regret said by people on their deathbed is that they worked too much and didn’t live or laughed enough.

In my past 10 years of working in office environments, I have faced multiple bullies in each office.  And to say the least, Human Resources is not there to protect you, they are there to protect the company and to protect the bullies.  In many states, prior to your employment offer, you are required to sign an Arbitration Clause that protects the employer, not the employee.

For example, in the state of Texas it is legal for your manager to curse at you, create a hostile environment, and even add more description of duties to your position without your consent. 

All of this is legal and ethical according to the State of Texas because you are working at a “free will”.

Thank you  Texas, or should we thank the big oil and gas companies for contributing to these regulations so they can get away with laying people off when they want to?  (Just drop ‘em like hot potatoes!! Yea! Let’s just dosey doe our way around Texas with all of these kickin’ regulations, ain’t that right Texas?)

The modern-day violence is now at your fingertips! We are no longer safe, and terrorism is not only domestic but local.  You can find it anywhere, your government, at the office, in the family and even at the church!

Depression is the new make-up brand, Drug Addictions are in style.  Divorce is trendy, and suicide is the latest accessory.

You don’t have to take my word for it, the statistics are everywhere. And let’s not even start talking about the medical industry, it just hurts my head.

Let’s ask ourselves, how have we allowed this to happen?  It’s simple, generations before us allowed this type of behavior to get out of hand, and normalize it.

We need to protect our children, and change the current “social norms” so that this psychological violence ends once and for all.

Even the great Tupac rapped about it the in the 1998, with his song called Change:

“We gotta start makin’ changes
Learn to see me as a brother instead of two distant strangers
And that’s how it’s supposed to be….

We gotta make a change
It’s time for us as a people to start makin’ some changes.
Let’s change the way we eat, let’s change the way we live
And let’s change the way we treat each other

Let’s be kind to each other, do random acts of kindness, call a friend for no apparent reason, create events and invite your loved ones to celebrate life and laugh together. 

Because life is too short, think about how fast the last 5 years went by? How about last year? They flew by with a blink of an eye right?

Take moment and think about how you will be remembered?

How will you impact this Earth?

What is your legacy?

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